SSS members Patterson, Miller& Cuthrell join
Michigan Wizards to win Smokey Mnt. Classic!
KNOXVILLE, TENN.- The Michigan 1- Under Bar, Wizards team went 7-0 to win the Smokey Mountain
60's AAA Classic Tournament, June 4-6, 2021. Front row, L-R:
Bruce Antioch, Don Sharp, Jeff Sheeran, Terry Patterson, Jeff Millbrath, Marc Carnarvon
Back row, L-R: Bruce Wood, Frank Nickowski, Mike McLellan, Randy Cuthrell, Bob Miller, Rick Wayne, Larry Mercer and Roger Breeding. Patterson, Miller and Cuthrell are members of the SSS League. Cuthrell was voted MVP-
batting.750 with five homeruns, including a walk-off HR in the finals! 17-teams competed in the 60"s AAA bracket.